
Friday, September 11, 2009


The crazy part about this post is that I remember the exact moment last year when I made my 9.11 post. And with that I remember the exact moment when 9.11 happened. Sophomore year at Gonzaga College High School. I was working in the Deans office. Out of nowhere the phones rang off the hook with parents asking about their kids, parents coming to get their sons, and me going from class to class pulling guys out of class. It didnt hit home until school was over. It was football season but practice was cancelled. And all we knew was that DC was the next target. That hard to take in when your school is just a couple blocks from both the Capital and Union Station which were both said to be anticipated targets. As we walked down North Capital St, everything was desolate. Not a car drove by, not a sound was made. It was so quiet you could here the signal light change. Every loud noise made the group of us jump as we walked to catch the train. It was a feeling that anything could happen at any second. Getting home was a huge relief. I honestly do not think i was able to soak everything in until the second day of school when eyes were glued to the replays all day long. Angle after angle, station after station all I remember thinking was this had to be a movie. To see people in such disbelief and pain was a life changing exerience. I had a friend whose mother was woring in the Pentagon at the time of the incident, however she was safe. Unfortunately a few of my school mates lost their parents in both the Twin Tower and Pentagon accidnet. My condolences goes out to all of those who lost someone they loved on this day 8 years ago.

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